City Roses - Kathryn Tayar

Kat Tayar
Large Kite
Kat Tayar
Small kite  

Kite Description 
My large kite and one of my small kites were identical in design. I wanted my design to bring forth the similarities between the States and the UAE. To represent a living bond that grows day by day. Both depicted Two skylines of cities surrounding a golden-brown medallion that contains flowers and bees connected by strings. I wanted the cities to mirror each other in an attempt to show the similarities between our two homes. Each skyline is painted with a gray scheme to push these back, giving distance between the cities. I wanted the cities to be far from each other on opposite sides since we sit so far away from each other. The gray is also a neutral color amongst the bright blue of the sky, allowing the blue to pop. A fresh and bright blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds has a feeling of calm peace. A day full of possibilities and new friendships. 

 Under both cityscapes are two roses, one red and the other pink. I used this type of flower and these colors because of the meaning behind them. The red rose is associated heavily with love and romance, a feeling of love each person holds for their home. The pink rose is gratitude, admiration, and joy, an emotion of appreciation for each other. Now, the reason behind using two roses is the fact that it represents shared love, a shared connection between the USA and the UAE. I enjoy using flowers and their meanings because I find that not only are they beautiful, anyone can appreciate them, whether they know the meaning behind them or not. 
The medallion in the middle has the most focus on it as it takes up the most room and is centered on the kite. It is a golden-brown medallion with more flowers. These flowers are also mirroring each other like the cities, but this time they represent the people. The pink shows up again in the two bigger flowers; however, the flower is not a rose, but I still used it like it was one. The other herbs are bluebells, which like the pink rose, represent gratitude and humility. Humility is something everyone should have, as it keeps us grounded in reality. My choice in adding the yellow flower is to do with the fact it means friendship. Although many may not see the underlying meanings of the colors or flowers, they can see the strings connecting the two bundles of flowers, showing a physical connection between the two.  Another detail I added to the middle medallion is the two bumblebees, which are both cute and has a feeling of community. I wanted the medallion to show the bond we share with those overseas in the UAE, and I believe I achieved that. 

Overall, my kites, both big and small, represent a feeling of connection and respect for each other. I enjoy that I got to use my knowledge of the language of flowers to create something so beautiful. 


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